Our New Online Reputation Management Service

Earlier this month, Advanced Hospice Management successfully launched an online reputation management (ORM) service that can be utilized separately or bundled together with our other offerings. 

As most industry professionals know, hospice is an extremely competitive industry, and people rely heavily on the internet to help them when selecting a provider. A hospice agency’s online reputation, composed of news and reviews, acts as the provider’s digital resume and greatly influences the patient’s or loved one’s decision in selecting a care provider. Negative reviews are easily found and have the power to destroy a hospice agency’s reputation. After recognizing that many providers were suffering from the same issue, we developed a solution that would benefit all of our clients.

Although it may seem like a monumental issue, many hospice agencies aren’t even aware of this problem and its detrimental effects. If they are aware, most don’t know how to fix it. In order to combat these issues, we developed an Online Reputation Manager that suppresses negative press. Over time, our solution will generate enough positive attention to greatly diminish the impact of any online negativity that would otherwise detract from a hospice agency’s success. 

The Online Reputation Manager fits as a natural extension to our other services and seeks to accomplish the same goals – improve a hospice agency’s financial standing and allow owners to focus on providing care.

Contact us to learn more about implementing this service


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